
Coding And Testing

Coding And Testing 

Software Testing Basics Terminology 

Different types of Software Testing Techniques 

Different levels of software testing

Verification and Validation 

Differences between Verification and Validation

What is Software Testing?

Why is Software Testing important?

Advantages of Software Testing

Software Testing Process

Unit Testing

Why Unit Testing

Unit Testing Tools 

Unit Testing Techniques 

Advantages and disadvantages of unit testing

Black box Testing 

Generic steps of black box testing 

Black Box Testing Type 

Advantages Disadvantages of Black Box Testing 

Techniques Used in Black Box Testing

White box Testing 

Generic steps of white box testing 

Reasons for white box testing

Advantages Disadvantages of White box testing 

Techniques Used in White Box Testing

Control Flow Graph (CFG) 

Notations used for Control Flow Graph 

 Carhacteristics of Control Flow Graph

Cyclomatic Complexity 

How to Calculate Cyclomatic Complexity 

Properties of Cyclomatic complexity 

Use of Cyclomatic Complexity 

Advantages Disadvantages of Cyclomatic Complexity

Mutation Testing 

History of Mutation Testing 

Objective of Mutation Testing 

Types of Mutation Testing 

Tools used for Mutation Testing 

Advantages Disadvantages of Mutation Testing

Integration Testing 

Integration test approaches 

Example of integration testing 

Integration Testing Techniques

Types of Integration Testing 

Advantages , Disadvantages

What is System Testing?

Types of System Testing 

System Testing Process 

Advantages Disadvantages of System Testing

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