
Software Engineering

1 min read


Software Engineering 

Software Engineering Tutorial

What is Software Engineering
Software Engineering required, Need, Characteristics, Importance
Emergence of Software Engineering
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Need
SDLC Models
Waterfall model
RAD (Rapid Application Development) Model
Spiral Model
Incremental Model
Prototype Model
Agile Model
Iterative Model
Software Testing Basics Terminology 
 Different types of Software Testing Techniques 
 Different levels of software testing
Verification and Validation 
 Differences between Verification and Validation
What is Software Testing?
Why is Software Testing important?
Advantages of Software Testing
Software Testing Process
Unit Testing 
 Why Unit Testing 
Unit Testing Tools 
Unit Testing Techniques 
Advantages and disadvantages of unit testing
Black box Testing 
Generic steps of black box testing 
Black Box Testing Type 
Advantages Disadvantages of Black Box Testing 
Techniques Used in Black Box Testing
White box Testing 
 Generic steps of white box testing 
Reasons for white box testing 
Advantages Disadvantages of White box testing 
Techniques Used in White Box Testing
Control Flow Graph (CFG) 
Notations used for Control Flow Graph 
 Carhacteristics of Control Flow Graph
Cyclomatic Complexity 
How to Calculate Cyclomatic Complexity 
Properties of Cyclomatic complexity 
Use of Cyclomatic Complexity 
Advantages Disadvantages of Cyclomatic Complexity
Mutation Testing 
History of Mutation Testing 
Objective of Mutation Testing 
Types of Mutation Testing 
Tools used for Mutation Testing 
Advantages Disadvantages of Mutation Testing
Integration Testing 
Integration test approaches 
Example of integration testing 
Integration Testing Techniques 
Types of Integration Testing 
Advantages , Disadvantages
What is System Testing?
Types of System Testing 
System Testing Process 
Advantages Disadvantages of System Testing

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